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Summer Reading is Coming!!!

Library Staff
Wendy Byrd, Director 
Sherlyn Adams  
 Brittany Veal     

Renee Seitzler





Phone to our Public Library 903-473-5096

Library Fax # 903-473-5097

Rains County Public Library: Online Catalog

  • Library Hours:

    M thru F   10:00 - 5:00

    Sat          10:00 - 2:00

    • .
  • What is the Advisory Board and what is it’s role?

    Each of the eight members of the Rains County Public Library Advisory Board is appointed by the Rains County Commissioners’ Court to serve a two-year term. Members may be reappointed to serve additional terms. The Advisory Board acts as a liaison between the community, the Commissioners’ Court, and the Library Director. xxxxxxxxx

    The Board assists the Library Director in developing policies, budget proposals, and in other important matters. Their recommendations are then presented to the Commissioners’ Court for their approval or rejection.

    The board members also promote the Library and its resources to the community.

    How are Advisory Board Members Selected?
    Any person who would like to serve on the Rains County Public Library Advisory Board or recommend someone to serve should contact one of the current Board members, the Rains County Judge, one of the County Commissioners, or the Library Director. A person must be at least 18 years of age and reside in Rains County to be eligible to serve on the Library Board.

    Library Advisory Board Meetings 
    The library advisory board meets on the 4th Monday of every other month at 5:30 pm, beginning in February.   Additional special meetings can be called if needed.
  • Parent-Child Policy Revised 10-9-2014
    Computer & Internet Use Policy 
    Meeting Room Policy
    Patron Conduct Policy Revised 6-5-2009 
  • Does the library have computer services?
    We have eight public service computers and two lap-tops connected to the Internet

    Is the library automated?
    Yes, we have access to our catalog inhouse

    How do I reserve a library tour?
    Call the library phone number 903-473-5096 and ask to speak to the Director

    Does the library offer fax services to the public?
    Yes, for a charge

    Where can I find information on what programs the library has?
    Call the library, watch the local newspaper or visit our Facebook page.
    On-line catalog message board

    Are meeting rooms available to the public?
    Yes, the Meadow’s Room is available for reservation with a signed policy agreement and $50.00 deposit.

    What is the cost to the public for the meeting room?
    The meeting room is free at this time to nonprofit organizations.

    Does the library accept donations?
    Yes, we do.

    Does the library have a volunteer program?
    Yes, we always welcome volunteers

    What Children’s programs does the library offer?
    The Library offers a Summer Reading Program for Preschool through Teens, as well as Preschool Storytime on Wednesday’s at 11:00 a.m.

    If I have a complaint, how do I resolve my concerns?
    All complaints should be directed to the Director. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, take the complaint to the governing officials of the County

    Does the Library have Interlibrary Loans?
    Yes, the library borrows materials through interlibrary loans for patrons, if available.

    Does the library have access to local history?
    Yes, the Rains County Leader can be found on the UNT Portal to Texas History
  • How do I get a library card?
    Adults must present a photo ID (Driver’s License or Texas ID) and fill out an application.
    Children (0-18) fill out a application, a parent or legal guardian must sign and accept responsibility.

    There is no charge for a new card.

    How long may I check out materials?

    Books – 14 days 
    DVD's – 3 days 
    Audio books – 14 days

    How many items may I check out?
    Three items are allowed on a new card. Up to ten items in any combination on each card; with a limit of 3 DVD's (on an adult card)

    How much are fines?
    One day of grace is allowed on overdue items.
    Books and audio books - $0.25 per book per day, up to $5.00 per book
    DVDs - $1.00 per video per day, up to $10.00 per video

    How do I renew my materials?
    Present your borrower’s card. Renewals are limited to 3 per item.
    You may renew on-line via our OPAC on-line catalog.
    An item reserved for another person may not be renewed.